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RTX tiny and power on of NRF24LE1

Hello to everyone.
I write code for NRF24LE1 using KEIL and rtx tiny. But i have some problems.

When i power on my device, programm don't run correctly, but when hard reset everythink works good.

right down is my init task "first task of my programm"

void init (void) _task_ INIT  {
        // Wait for XOSC to start to ensure proper UART baudrate
  while(hal_clk_get_16m_source() != HAL_CLK_XOSC16M)
        os_wait (K_TMO, 100, 0);          /* wait for timeout: 100 ticks ~ 1sec   */
        os_wait (K_TMO, 100, 0);          /* wait for timeout: 100 ticks ~ 1sec   */
        os_wait (K_TMO, 100, 0);          /* wait for timeout: 100 ticks ~ 1sec   */
        os_create_task (SERIAL);
        os_create_task (GSM);
        os_delete_task (INIT);                                                  /*   kill task init                                     */
        while (1)  {
