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MDK 4 Systick and USB

Hello, I have a working LPC1758 MDK-arm 4 program that is based on the HID example.

When I set the systick to 1ms or less USB enumination fails. At 10ms all is fine, I need 1 ms for other a2d tasks.

Any ideas?

  • Thanks - I will check.

    LPC1758 is running 100MHz
    No Task takes longer than 1ms
    Preempion is at 50mS (round robin)

    Very strange that if I set systick to 1.02mS then it works. My USB binterval is 2mS

  • Thanks - I will check.

    LPC1758 is running 100MHz
    No Task takes longer than 1ms
    Preempion is at 50mS (round robin)

    Very strange that if I set systick to 1.02mS then it works. My USB binterval is 2mS

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