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Set "Use Simulator" and "Run to main()" in Debug but does not stop at main()

I am using uVision V5.15.0 and built an generic M4 based project with "Hello World" program. Set "Use Simulator" and "Run to main()" in Debug tab, built code and started Debug Session, but debugger does not stop at main() rather stopped at the following line.

LDR R0, =SystemInit

My question is why the tool does run to main() as the Options promised? What else it needs to be done to make the debugger runs to main()?

  • Probably because it breakpoints at main() but never gets there?

    Which I guess would mean it's stuck somewhere in SystemInit() waiting for something to happen. So look at the code in SystemInit, turn off "Run to main" and step through the stuff until you figure out what's actually happening.

  • Probably because it breakpoints at main() but never gets there?

    Which I guess would mean it's stuck somewhere in SystemInit() waiting for something to happen. So look at the code in SystemInit, turn off "Run to main" and step through the stuff until you figure out what's actually happening.
