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Can a Simulator be used for STM32L053 using KEIL uvision 5

hii... i am using STMM32L053 chip in keil uvision 5 and i am new to it.

Can i run a simple program for data transmission (USART).. using a simulator...?
i configured the pins and USART using STM32Cubemx software.
will this code work..->

HAL_UART_Transmit((UART_HandleTypeDef *)&huart2, (uint8_t *)"k", 1, 5000);

they provide the option for using simulator under options->debug
i selected those..but received a problem..->

*** error 65: access violation at 0x40021000 : no 'read' permission

i assigned the memory map...and the program is running.. but still there ain't a output..!!

Please provide a solution for this...

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