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AGSI library and multithreading

So question is short and simple. Is AGSI library a threadsafe library? I need to create a dll for uVision5, that would work in 2 threads in parallel.

Thanks for help :)

  • Unfortunately I do not fully understand your question:
    "Is AGSI library a threadsafe library?"

    AGSI is an interface and you are writing the content of this library (=DLL).
    From a high-level perspective, your AGSI DLL will contain one initialization function and a collection of callback functions which are called from uVision from 2 different threads.

    Please note that if you create an own thread in your AGSI DLL, you are not allowed to call AGSI functions from this tread into uVision. Such asyncronous function calls would destroy data in uVision.
    I have seen AGSI DLLs with own threads to communicate with other PCs/devices over socket interfaces. However, the AGSI function calls into uVision are only allowed from AGSI callback functions in your DLL which is basically run in a thread of uVision. It is up to you to exchange your data between your extra thread and the AGSI callback function.

    Does that answer your question?

    Hans Schneebauer
    Technical Support Group Munich