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unable to locate scatter file in project. ARM M0+


This might be in the wrong forum, but I'm posting it here because I'm all new to this. Please feal free to move it to the correct forum.

I'm currently doing a course for ARM CortexM0+. In this course I am supposed to edit the scatter/linker file.

-I right click my project, and click "options for target1".
-then i click on the linker option, and click "edit", on the scatter file option (no link to file is in the dialog box). Nothing happens.

-I check the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box. A file location pops up in the dialog box (.\Objects\Exercise1.sct)
-I uncheck the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box (in order to enable the edit button).
-Click the edit button and get an error saying there is no such file in my project folder.

I've checked the folders for a .sct-file, but I can't find one (show hiddeln files in enabled).

To me it seems like uV is not creating a scatter file. But I really don't know.

What do I do?

Andreas Lyth

  • Have you done:
    -I check the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box. A file location pops up in the dialog box (.\Objects\Exercise1.sct)
    -Build the project
    -I uncheck the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box (in order to enable the edit button).
    -Click the edit button and get an error saying there is no such file in my project folder.

  • Have you done:
    -I check the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box. A file location pops up in the dialog box (.\Objects\Exercise1.sct)
    -Build the project
    -I uncheck the "Use memory layout from target dialog" box (in order to enable the edit button).
    -Click the edit button and get an error saying there is no such file in my project folder.
