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Availabilty of trace data with ST-Link debug adapter


Does the ST-Link debug adapter support logging of trace data?
I'm using a Nucleo board and according to the schematic the SWO pin on the target MCU is connected to the debug adapter, but there is no Trace Data menu item under View/Trace.

In the documentation only the ULink adapter is mentioned to be used with trace data. I did not find any information whether this feature is supported by other adapters or not.
A feature matrix could be really helpful I think.

I think I have seen trace data with other adapters earlier. Like Freescales's Freadom board or NXP's LPCXpresso, but I have to check.

In case of the ST-Link adapter there is no option for SWJ in the settings window of the adapter. Might it be the problem? May I assume that only those adapters support this feature which has SWJ option?

Thanks and regards,