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USB Communication Failure

USB Communication Failure

I'm using the ULINKpro D to debug on my project that use Keil's MCB4300 board evaluation kit.
It was working well until now, when I a put a big project on it. Since then, I get to load my firmware once when I start the uVision v5.11.1.0. After this unique time, I can't load any firmware anymore unless I close the IDE and open it again. Moreover, I can not debug anymore any project I want. The IDE always shows me the message USB "Communication Failure".
I'm current connecting the debugger on the Cortex Debug + ETM connector. To make tests, I tried with JTAG connector as well, but again nothing good happens.

Please, someone can help to solve this problem. I've already seen many people saying about the USB cable but I'm pretty sure that this is not my problem. ( cable is new, come with our ulinkpro debugger)

PS: "Error: Flash Download failed - Target DLL has been cancelled" this message is shown on uvision console after the USB failure popup message.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Costa.

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