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uVision 5 crashes/freezes when closing

Hello All,

I am trying uVision MDK-Lite Version: for first time. My PC is running Windows XP. uVision seems to freeze very frequently when closing down. It must be forced to close and offers to send an error report to Microcoft. On next opening, an information box opens up with following text:

! uVision has not been properly closed due to code completion.
Functionality will be deactivated until next start.

I have seached Keil website and Forums for information on these messages but did not find anything.

Thanks in advance for any information or help,

John O'Connor

  • This happens, if you use the inline assembly __asm{...} inside your code (even if you declare such things in your header files and you do not use them).

    In my project nicely the corrensponding inline assembly command asm("...") works.

    It is really bizarre, that this worked in version 4.7, but since Version 5.0 the __asm{...} stuff stopped working.

    ... anyway it would be very nice of Keil to improve their inline assembly a bit in direction of direct register access / cobbling for 64 bit addition/subtraction (as it is possible in GNU C++...) (see my other Email from yesterday).

  • This happens, if you use the inline assembly __asm{...} inside your code (even if you declare such things in your header files and you do not use them).

    In my project nicely the corrensponding inline assembly command asm("...") works.

    It is really bizarre, that this worked in version 4.7, but since Version 5.0 the __asm{...} stuff stopped working.

    ... anyway it would be very nice of Keil to improve their inline assembly a bit in direction of direct register access / cobbling for 64 bit addition/subtraction (as it is possible in GNU C++...) (see my other Email from yesterday).
