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ST-Link debugger driver of Keil IDE does not install on Win8 :-(

I was on an official hands-on ST32M workshop on 2013-03-07, by ST & Arrow.

The free edition of the Keil uVision IDE still suggests to be installed at

With Win7 and Win8, it's the best to install the uVision IDE ( on 32 Bit Windows ) at
C:\Program Files\Keil

More important, the ST-Link debugger driver shipped with the Keil uVision IDE 4.70a does not install on Win8 :-(, while it was possible to install it on Win7 ( on 32 Bit Windows 7 Pro).

Still after install, Win8 does handle the driver for the ST-Link USB device as "not properly installed" in the Win8 device manager :-(. With Win7 everything works fine...


  • Lots of development tools do not like to be installed in any path that contains spaces.

    When the IDE executes a command line tool where it is required to supply a command line parameter that happens to include a space, then the IDE must quote the parameter or add a break character before the spaces. That is too often missed, making that path being seen as multiple parameters by the command-line tool.

    The above is probably not related to your issues with the USB driver installation.

  • Lots of development tools do not like to be installed in any path that contains spaces.

    When the IDE executes a command line tool where it is required to supply a command line parameter that happens to include a space, then the IDE must quote the parameter or add a break character before the spaces. That is too often missed, making that path being seen as multiple parameters by the command-line tool.

    The above is probably not related to your issues with the USB driver installation.
