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removing a .lib file - question

I am using Silabs IDE with the Keil assembler/compiler/linker
I continued to get *** FATAL ERROR L220: INVALID INPUT MODULE MODULE: C:\Accelerometer\Hope_rf\RF50_code_V04\RF50_V04\RTPHY.LIB (-----)

There are a number of references to this on the web. Anyway I removed the RTPHY.LIB file from the files to link and then got:

I understand that this refers to a routine that is not being used (called RTPHYRESTART here).
I then commented out the routine and received no errors -
My question is this: Is it safe to do this? In other words did the original problem file (RTPHY.LIB) mask out the fact that the function was not being called and is it fine to do remove the .lib file and the function code. I have searched the code files and the routine is obviously not being used (it also builds ok). So, the routine RTPHYRESTART is not being called in the code, but does the .lib file cause it to be used in some way that I don't know about?
thanks and regards

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