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ZI data & stack + heap

I have confusion regarding Zi data + stack.

1. Why total ZI data has also stack size included in it.
For example if 512 stack size is declared in code then total ZI data has 512 bytes in it.

Does that mean ZI data = bss section + stack size + heap size.
That mean stack & heap are initialized to zero.

2. ALso what I think is that bss section which I think is (ZI data - stack) but in keil its ZI + stack.

I think that during startup ZI data will not be loaded. They took some location location in RAM. So on startup they won't let any watchdog reset problem .

Data loaded on startup is RW data. This is data whose values got load from flash into ram variable during startup. so they can cause problem in watchdog timer & rest them if RW daat is large.

Is it right or I got it wrong.

  • 1. Section .bss does not contain stack.

    2. During startup, the peripheral Watchdog is not initialized and will not function. No Watchdog Reset would be triggered at this stage. Except for a external Watchdog and a long enough loading process...

    Of course you can realize this by specific startup methods, but in rare circumstances should you risk killing yourself. -_-

  • 1. Section .bss does not contain stack.

    2. During startup, the peripheral Watchdog is not initialized and will not function. No Watchdog Reset would be triggered at this stage. Except for a external Watchdog and a long enough loading process...

    Of course you can realize this by specific startup methods, but in rare circumstances should you risk killing yourself. -_-
