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how to access external parallel EEPROM memory locations using LPC 2294 MCU

Hi All,

I want to interface the parallel EEPROM of 128KB(AT28LV010) to LPC 2294(MCU).to accecs the EEPROM locations I have tried the following two methods, those are


 unsigned char Eprom_Mem[0x20000]   __attribute__  ((at(0x81000000)));


unsigned int *Eprom_Mem;
Eprom_Mem = (unsigned int *)0x81000000;

but neither of them is working

Keil version details are as follows:

IDE-Version: µVision V4.03q
Toolchain: RealView MDK-ARM Version: 4.11
Middleware: RL-ARM Real-Time Library Version V3.21

As it is known to access external memory it is required to configure External Memory Controller(EMC) and port3 to generate the desired chip select signals for the peripherals.

In my case,
The #CS1 pin of LPC 2294 is connected to #cs1 of EEPROM and to generate #CS1 for Bank1, port3 and EMC are configured using PINSEL2 and BCFG1.

BCFG1 = 0x0000FBEF; /* to configure bank config reg1 for 8bit wide EEPROM

PINSEL2 = 0x0D816914; /* to generate #cs1 on p3.26 pin */

#CS1 — LOW-active Chip Select 1 signal(Bank 1 addresses range 0x81000000 to 0x81FFFFFF).

After configuring the above if I try to access EEPROM the chip select (#CS1) is not getting generated from LPC 2294.

please confirm is it possible to access the external memory using __attribute__((at() ))?

what could be the reason why LPC 2294 is not generating chip select signal? Is there anything still needs to be done?

Thank you very much for your help in advance,

  • "As it is known to access external memory it is required to configure External Memory Controller(EMC) and port3 to generate the desired chip select signals for the peripherals."

    Why is it required to? Where does your responsibility end and the compiler/linkers responsibility start? Have you investigated the startup file of your project?

  • "As it is known to access external memory it is required to configure External Memory Controller(EMC) and port3 to generate the desired chip select signals for the peripherals."

    Why is it required to? Where does your responsibility end and the compiler/linkers responsibility start? Have you investigated the startup file of your project?
