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"Cannot Write to RAM for Flash Algorithms"

Note: I already tried the solution on "" (update to latest version then add patch).

I had a working project for one processor (LM3S9B95) and migrated over to another one of the same family (LM3S5P36).
I chose the new chip.
I adjusted the SRAM size/range and flash size/range in "target driver setup \ Flash Download" window.
I changed the program range in the "*.sct" file.

When attempting to load program, popup says "Cannot Load Flash Programming Algorithms", and build output says "Cannot Write to RAM for Flash Algorithms". Press OK then popup says "Error: Flash Download Failed - "Cortex-M3"" and build output says "Erase Failed".

I can detect the debugger interface in the "target driver setup \ Debug" window (0x2BA01477 ARM CoreSightSW-DP).

Pressing the "debug" icon makes the software go into debug mode with no errors indicated.

I am able to load programs onto the previous board so the debugger is fine.

I was even able to load the current project for the NEW chip onto the board with the OLD chip (after adding an offset of 0x1000 to the ROM load region(LR_IROM) in the *.sct file to compensate for an issue with that chip. Otherwise, the second error message above appears).

The only anamoly is that "Driver DLL" and "Dialog DLL" fields (and their "Parameter" fields) were left blank when I chose the new chip. Usually they are filled with values that depend on what you choose and the instructions say to never edit these values. I simply filled in the values from the last project and changed the "Parameter" appropriately (-pLM3S9B95 -> -pLM3S5P36).

I've used uVision for several processors of 3 different families at this point but have never encountered these particular symptoms.

Am I missing something obvious or should I give up on a software solution and do more debugging on the board itself?

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