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uart receive data incorrect above 9600 baud

Is anyone successfully receiving UART data using a UART configured with greater than 9650 Baud?

I have a Keil development board.

I have interrupts enabled.

I'm looking forward to hearing any feedback of success with a UART.

  • Yes, I have managed to receiev UART data at baudrates with several digits more. Many processors are able to run at 115200, 230400 or faster - potentially even one digit more faster.

    But how relevant is that?

    You haven't managed to tell us what processor you have. Or what development board. For some reason, you didn't even find it important to tell if you use an ARM processor, or a 8051 or something else.

    By the way - max baudrate is two things.

    Max correct baudrate to handle without signal integrity problems or lost data.

    Or max baudrate error to handle without too high percentage baudrate errors (i.e. how much away from 9600 baud can a sender be and still have low error bitrate).

  • Yes, I have managed to receiev UART data at baudrates with several digits more. Many processors are able to run at 115200, 230400 or faster - potentially even one digit more faster.

    But how relevant is that?

    You haven't managed to tell us what processor you have. Or what development board. For some reason, you didn't even find it important to tell if you use an ARM processor, or a 8051 or something else.

    By the way - max baudrate is two things.

    Max correct baudrate to handle without signal integrity problems or lost data.

    Or max baudrate error to handle without too high percentage baudrate errors (i.e. how much away from 9600 baud can a sender be and still have low error bitrate).
