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Debugging fopen in FlashFS

Hello all.

We're using a board based on a STM32f217zg with the RL-ARM libraries and currently we're trying to get a file system working on the micro SD card using SPI (SPI3 to be exact). We've gotten similar code working on a MCBSTM32C (STM32f107) board and could read and write files/directories etc with great success.

After modifying the code to work on the 217, we could successfully call finit(), and also fformat("m:"), and it behaves as expected.

however, we are unable to create files using the fopen command, which returns a NULL file pointer. Nor are we able to open existing files using the same command.

My question is: are there any ways to go about debugging this? there doesn't seem to be any error codes to be obtained from the Keil libraries... Am I forced to debug this on the SPI level, looking at the commands being sent back and forth?

Thanks for any advice.

  • ok i finally figured it out.

    it turns out that i was working on a workspace that was using the MicroLIB, which has no file i/o. unchecking the 'Use MicroLIB' option in the project options, target tab, fixed the issue.

  • ok i finally figured it out.

    it turns out that i was working on a workspace that was using the MicroLIB, which has no file i/o. unchecking the 'Use MicroLIB' option in the project options, target tab, fixed the issue.

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