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need understanding on keil coding

hi everyone im new to keil.............
ok i come across with this code on my research on keil coding and my c++ is very terrible so i want to understand the codding for better use some.... i hope u all can help me thank in advance....
the code are.........

1){ unsigned char l,m; l=val%10; m=(val/10)%10; sendChar(aray[m]); sendChar(aray[l]); sendChar(','); }

2){ if(RI==1) { sens_1=SBUF; switch(sens_1) { case('a'): relay1=1; break; case('b'): relay1=0;

} RI=0; }

3) this separate code

i)P1=(P1&0xf8)+sensor ii)EA=1; ES=1;

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