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Tcp/ip for arm cortex M3

I have LM3S6965 ethernet learner kit. Iam not sure whether this ethernet learner kit will support Microc osii. Iam new to this LM3S6965. I dont kno how to proceed....iam searching for tcp/ip for cortex m3. In the user manual of this kit, it s mentioned that it supports freertos..can anyone help me in working with this LM3S6965....i like to work with microc to prgrm,how to work with tcp/ip ???? how to send data thro ethernet of this controller?????

  • What kit, exactly, do you have?

    If it's a "learner" kit then, presumably, it must come with explanatory documents, examples, etc for you to study?

    "Iam not sure whether this ethernet learner kit will support Microc osii"

    Why does that matter?

    Do you mean this: ?

    What does their documentation tell you about the requirements for µC/OS-II ?
    Does the board meet those requirements?

    Do you have any experience with µC/OS-II ?

    "Iam new to this LM3S6965"

    Do you have any experience with any other microcontroller(s)?

    Do you have any other programming experience?

    "I dont kno how to proceed"

    Why not start with the materials included in your "learner" kit?

    "iam searching for tcp/ip for cortex m3"

    TI provide several TCP/IP examples using the uIP and LwIP stacks - have you looked at them?

    "can anyone help me in working with this LM3S6965"

    You need to start by putting in some study of your own.

    If you're new to microcontrollers and/or programming, then TCP/IP is not the place to start

    "i like to work with microc osii"

    Any particular reason?

    "how to work with tcp/ip ?"

    Do you understand how TCP/IP works in general?
    If not, that's the first thing you need to study!

    "how to send data thro ethernet of this controller?"

    Look at TI's examples.

  • What kit, exactly, do you have?

    If it's a "learner" kit then, presumably, it must come with explanatory documents, examples, etc for you to study?

    "Iam not sure whether this ethernet learner kit will support Microc osii"

    Why does that matter?

    Do you mean this: ?

    What does their documentation tell you about the requirements for µC/OS-II ?
    Does the board meet those requirements?

    Do you have any experience with µC/OS-II ?

    "Iam new to this LM3S6965"

    Do you have any experience with any other microcontroller(s)?

    Do you have any other programming experience?

    "I dont kno how to proceed"

    Why not start with the materials included in your "learner" kit?

    "iam searching for tcp/ip for cortex m3"

    TI provide several TCP/IP examples using the uIP and LwIP stacks - have you looked at them?

    "can anyone help me in working with this LM3S6965"

    You need to start by putting in some study of your own.

    If you're new to microcontrollers and/or programming, then TCP/IP is not the place to start

    "i like to work with microc osii"

    Any particular reason?

    "how to work with tcp/ip ?"

    Do you understand how TCP/IP works in general?
    If not, that's the first thing you need to study!

    "how to send data thro ethernet of this controller?"

    Look at TI's examples.
