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Hardware interrupt program

HI I have tried many programs for hardware interrupt programming(int 0 , int1). None is working. please help me with a code...

  • Thank you for telling us exactly what processor you are using, and showing a list of exactly what different example programs you have tested, and the outcome of these tests. With such great description of your problems and what you have tried to do to resolve them it is absolutely trivially easy to help you. I guess the extensive descriptions in your original post is a good indication of how much time you did spend trying to get interrupts to work.

  • Thank you for telling us exactly what processor you are using, and showing a list of exactly what different example programs you have tested, and the outcome of these tests. With such great description of your problems and what you have tried to do to resolve them it is absolutely trivially easy to help you. I guess the extensive descriptions in your original post is a good indication of how much time you did spend trying to get interrupts to work.

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