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I get stuck in HardFault_Handler when calling os_mbx_send

I am trying to pass a message from one task to another and when I call os_mbx_send I am getting a HardFault_Handler error. The call stack has a lot of HAL_CM3 calls. Any ideas? Seems pretty straight forward. Also, I followed instructions on setting up a mailbox.

#define MBOX_SIZE 60

typedef struct
{ void *pMsg;
} Object_Message;

os_mbx_declare(MBox, MBOX_SIZE); /* Declare an RTX mailbox */
_declare_box (MBox_Pool, sizeof(Object_Message), MBOX_SIZE);/* Dynamic memory pool */

__task void init_task (void)
{ // Init mail box(s) _init_box(MBox_Pool, sizeof(MBox_Pool), sizeof(Object_Message)); /* the membox dynamic allocation */ os_mbx_init(MBox, sizeof(MBox));

//... start tasks

Comm_Mgr_Task_ID = os_tsk_create(comm_manager_task, 4); os_tsk_delete_self (); /* STOP init task (no longer needed)*/

__task void comm_manager_task(void)
{ Object_Message *pNewMsg;

while(1) { pNewMsg = (Object_Message *)_alloc_box(MBox_Pool); /* Allocate a memory for the message */ pNewMsg->pMsg = new uint8[256]; sprintf((char *)pNewMsg->pMsg, "blah"); os_mbx_send(pNewMsg, MBox, TASK_WAIT_FOREVER); <== HardFault_Handler here os_dly_wait(SYS_MSEC_TO_TICKS(1000)); }

int main(void)
{ SystemInit(); ADC_init(); /* ADC Initialization */

// Do display intialization Comm_Manager.pTrain_Display->APP_DISP_init();

os_sys_init(init_task); /* init and start with task 'INIT' */

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