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any one help me in learning RTOS
i know what is RTOS but dont know how many types. and please suggested me which one is easy for me. if any of book on RTOS so please provide me.

i have LPC2129.

  • 1) Why subject "help"? Any reason why you didn't think "RTOS" should be also have been added to the subject? Help really doesn't represent a good summary. Help with RTOS? Help with UART? Help with selecting processor? Help with helping others? Help with installing compiler? ...

    2) How much time have you spent figuring out what an RTOS is?

    3) How much time have you spent looking at different RTOS?

    4) How much time have you spent looking at the specific RTOS that you get with the compiler, and that has integrated support in the debugger?

    5) Any reason why you think you should look at different RTOS when Keil already have integrated support for their own?

  • 1) Why subject "help"? Any reason why you didn't think "RTOS" should be also have been added to the subject? Help really doesn't represent a good summary. Help with RTOS? Help with UART? Help with selecting processor? Help with helping others? Help with installing compiler? ...

    2) How much time have you spent figuring out what an RTOS is?

    3) How much time have you spent looking at different RTOS?

    4) How much time have you spent looking at the specific RTOS that you get with the compiler, and that has integrated support in the debugger?

    5) Any reason why you think you should look at different RTOS when Keil already have integrated support for their own?
