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main_tcpnet() processing time

Hi every body,
I am in a bit trouble of finding out the processing time taken by main_tcpnet() function. As it is written in documents that this function must be called periodically but does not specify at how much rate i.e milliseconds. Secondaly since i have other work to do also during interrupt (timer) i wonder how to fix main_tcpnet() function in the same interrupt as doing this causes my hardware to reset.
Plz help me
Thanx in advance

  • Are you sure it is a good idea to call an unknown function from an ISR? How will you make sure that all other uses of the TCP functionality isn't affected by reentrancy problems?

    If you do not know how long the worst-case call to the function takes, how will you then be able to figure out the effect on your interrupt handler, or on the rest of the interrupt system?

  • Are you sure it is a good idea to call an unknown function from an ISR? How will you make sure that all other uses of the TCP functionality isn't affected by reentrancy problems?

    If you do not know how long the worst-case call to the function takes, how will you then be able to figure out the effect on your interrupt handler, or on the rest of the interrupt system?
