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error 65:

My background is primarily Windows development and I know very little about embedded development so I hope someone can explain what is causing my problem.

I am using the Keil compiler in uVision3 and am trying to simulate an NXP LPC2468.

My program is very basic :P ...

int main()
        return 0;

But when the simulator starts I receive this in the output window:

*** error 65: access violation at 0xA0033000 : no 'read' permission

This happens in LPC2400.s at the LDR instruction on line 1308...

  LDR     R4, =NORMAL_CMD           ; Write NORMAL Command
  STR     R4, [R0, #EMC_DYN_CTRL_OFS]

I could map this region using the instruction's here

but, shouldn't the code work anyway straight out of the box?

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