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nested interrupts

How can I install nested interrupts? With the key-word __irq is that not possible.


  • add marcos IENABLE at start of --irq function and at the end use IDISBALE and copy the macros in your header file.

    /* Macros for Interrupt Nesting */
    #define IENABLE /* Nested Interrupts Entry */ \ __asm { MRS LR, SPSR } /* Copy SPSR_irq to LR */ \ __asm { STMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Save SPSR_irq */ \ __asm { MSR CPSR_c, #0x1F } /* Enable IRQ (Sys Mode) */ \ __asm { STMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Save LR */ \

    #define IDISABLE /* Nested Interrupts Exit */ \ __asm { LDMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Restore LR */ \ __asm { MSR CPSR_c, #0x92 } /* Disable IRQ (IRQ Mode) */ \ __asm { LDMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Restore SPSR_irq to LR */ \ __asm { MSR SPSR_cxsf, LR } /* Copy LR to SPSR_irq */ \

  • add marcos IENABLE at start of --irq function and at the end use IDISBALE and copy the macros in your header file.

    /* Macros for Interrupt Nesting */
    #define IENABLE /* Nested Interrupts Entry */ \ __asm { MRS LR, SPSR } /* Copy SPSR_irq to LR */ \ __asm { STMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Save SPSR_irq */ \ __asm { MSR CPSR_c, #0x1F } /* Enable IRQ (Sys Mode) */ \ __asm { STMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Save LR */ \

    #define IDISABLE /* Nested Interrupts Exit */ \ __asm { LDMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Restore LR */ \ __asm { MSR CPSR_c, #0x92 } /* Disable IRQ (IRQ Mode) */ \ __asm { LDMFD SP!, {LR} } /* Restore SPSR_irq to LR */ \ __asm { MSR SPSR_cxsf, LR } /* Copy LR to SPSR_irq */ \

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