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rewriting _crol_ as inline assembly

This line:

thresBits = _crol_(thresBits, 2);

generates this SRC:

   MOV     R7,thresBits?1282
        MOV     R0,#02H
        MOV     A,R7
        INC     R0
        SJMP    ?C0198
        RL      A
        DJNZ    R0,?C0197
        MOV     thresBits?1282,A

I have added a "#pragma asm" to manually change the assembly to this:

#pragma asm
          MOV A, thresBits
          RL    A               ;rotate once
          RL    A               ;rotate the 2nd time
          MOV thresBits, A
#pragma endasm

but I get "error A45: UNDEFINED SYMBOL". How do I access the local C thresBits variable in my inline assembly code?

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