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Jumping back to main program inside ISR

Hi all,

I have a C51 application that requires the following operation which is close to a reset but it is not a reset:

1. when a bit is set in a register, call a function and return
2. when a bit is cleared in a register, exit the ISR and jump back to the main routine (the stack should be reset).

I use Keil C51 and uses the following method trying to achieve the aims but to no avail:

void isr(void) interrupt
{ if (register & bit) function1(); else
#pragma asm ljmp 800H; // 800h=main routine address
#pragma endasm

I tried this routine but it seems that the code is stuck. Has anybody tried a similar implementation, or is there anything that I can do to implement such a scheme?

Thanks very much for your response and Best Regards.


  • I have a C51 application that requires the following operation exit the ISR and jump back to the main routine

    No, you do not!, there is NO SUCH THING without violating each and every principle of programming.

    what you have is an application where you can not see the correct solution.


  • I have a C51 application that requires the following operation exit the ISR and jump back to the main routine

    No, you do not!, there is NO SUCH THING without violating each and every principle of programming.

    what you have is an application where you can not see the correct solution.


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