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Excessive line length

The article describes a limitation of the editor - so you could always use a different editor...
However, every editor has to have some limit on its maximum line length - 2048 characters does not sound unreasonable to me!

Note also that the Compiler will have its own limit on the maximum line length, and that limit will apply after the backslashes have been removed and the line-fragments concatenated...

I think a line length of anything near 2000 characters would be almost universally regarded as "excessive" - why do you need to do this??

"Example: long source line \ continues here

But it still wrapped lines there is still problem, I don't understand why ?"

That's not what actually says, is it?
You still have a single line - the backslash character only has meaning to the 'C' compiler - it is not recognised by the editor.
You need to use the backslash and split it over two lines:

  long source line \ 
  continues here

Or did you just not read the instruction on how to post source code...?

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