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difference between compilers

I have C code that includes more than one file.
it was compiled by keil c51 ver 3.2 (1990) and works.
when i compile it with new keil microvision compiler the program doesn't work (but compiler says that there is no errors and creates hex file).

please help me to understand what should i do in order to get the program working.


  • it was compiled by keil c51 ver 3.2 (1990) and works. when i compile it with new keil microvision compiler the program doesn't work

    one of the diffrences between versions I have found is the defaults. If you are using default settings, you may have the reason there.

    Another possibility is code that never worked, just happened not to fail.

    A third possibility would be the stupidity of having timing loops written in C


  • it was compiled by keil c51 ver 3.2 (1990) and works. when i compile it with new keil microvision compiler the program doesn't work

    one of the diffrences between versions I have found is the defaults. If you are using default settings, you may have the reason there.

    Another possibility is code that never worked, just happened not to fail.

    A third possibility would be the stupidity of having timing loops written in C


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