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Connection Problem with ULINK and XC167 AC

Hello everybody!!!

I'm using a phyCore XC167 with AC step controller and a ULINK for debugging. I use the internal ROM by jumpering EA.

For over a week I could download my sw direkt with my ULINK. Debugging does not work that good. I had some unpredictiable jumps to adress 0xfffff.

But the main problem is, that my ULINK now cancel download with the error message "device can not enter bypass mode. Connection to target missing or incorrect".
First I tought, i have killed my controller but then I've tested it on the orginal Phytec RDK board, and it worked fine (same software)!!!

My second module works on both boards but it is configured with the default values from Phytec (external ROM...).

Could any internal or hardware config cause this problem??? It seems, that my controller does not start running on my target hardware because the module sinks nearby no current. I even could not flash in bootstrap mode!!!

Please let me know, if anyone could help me with that Problem.


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