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List of configuration options in .uvprojx and .uvoptx files


as an author of CMake <> uVision Synchronizer ( ) project, I am trying to find a list of all possible (of which mandatory) configuration options in uVision5 Project File (.uvprojx) and uVision5 project options (.uvoptx) XML files.

Now the project is developed by pure trial-and-error by testing on Nordic nRF5 SDK project files, which is very error prone and time-consuming. And still, there comes someone with project file generated by STM32Cube and there are new errors.

I have checked the uVision Application Notes, Appendix B. File Types, Appendix C. Device Database Parameters and other sources found on the internet, however I could not find even list of options (I gave up the hope of also having the parameter descriptions).

I would be really grateful for any information regarding this topic, as developing the CMake -> uVision part of the project is nearly impossible without actually knowing which config options are important.

Thank you

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