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nRF52840 BLE Flash Download Failed And License Problem

I have installed uVision V5.27.1.0 and use a pro eval licence right now.
I downloaded nRF5_SDK files for my nRF52840 and imported the file from the sdk to uvision.
I think that I have the correct flash debugger and packs.
Whenever I tried to debug my project, it always tells me that
"Error: flash download failed - Could not load file".

When I tried to build the target anyway, it gave me lots of errors, and I think all of them said that:

Error: C9555E: Failed to check out a license.

But I do have a pro eval license for 7 days.
When I tried to switch to segger embedded studio, it still gives me an error which says:

Error starting process $(KEIL_TOOLKIT_DIR)/ARMCLANG/bin/armasm.

I guess that it still has something to do with my keil uvision licence?
Can anyone please help me figure it out?
Thank you so very much in advance.

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