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Compiler produces inefficient assembly code?

I and a co-worker are programming an 8051 uController in C. Last week we were struggling with a poor perfomance time of our program. So I talked to the assembly guy and we figured that our way of software timer handling was too slow. We were using 16 bit variables. Now I tweaked the timer software a bit and it runs about 4x faster, which is fast enough.

Digging a little deeper in the produced assembly code we found a 'persistent nuisance'. As a test I wrote these lines in code:

uint8 j;
                rightTorqueArray[j] = j; }

The array is an unsigned char array but when we observe the assembly

        MOV     R7,#0AH
        MOV     R6,AR7
        DEC     R7
        MOV     A,R6
        JZ      ?C0002
;               rightTorqueArray[j] = j; }
                        ; SOURCE LINE # 52
        MOV     A,#LOW (rightTorqueArray)
        ADD     A,R7
        MOV     DPL,A
        CLR     A
        ADDC    A,#HIGH (rightTorqueArray)
        MOV     DPH,A
        MOV     A,R7
        MOVX    @DPTR,A
        SJMP    ?C0001

We noticed that the array is adressed with LOW and HIGH so apparantly it is treated as a 16 bit variable. But my assembly-nese is not so well, so please correct me if I am wrong.

I set the Code Optimalization at level 8: reuse Common entry code and the emphasis at Favor speed.

The assembly was produced as a .SRC file using #pragma SRC on top of the C-file.

  • uint8 j;
    for(j=10;j--;){ rightTorqueArray[j] = j; }

    if the above code is the actual code, then the array actually contains fixed values over time, so it can be used as a code space array with predetermined byte values.

  • uint8 j;
    for(j=10;j--;){ rightTorqueArray[j] = j; }

    if the above code is the actual code, then the array actually contains fixed values over time, so it can be used as a code space array with predetermined byte values.
