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Change notification on stm32f373

Hi guys,I'm new to STM32F373 family.
I need to monitor the duration of an event that can go from 2KHz to about 30 Hz. I was thinking about using a TIM with an input capture. The problem is I will not be able to monitor my 30Hz event since the 16 bit timer will not have a prescaler large enough..
I was thinking about using a 32 bit timer, but I did not really find any documentation and examples about 32 bit timer with input capture unlike for the 16 bit

Does the STM32 family have a << change notification >> module which you can use without being linked to a timer, and this module can simply telling you when you have a rising or falling edge on the line? If I had a module like that I would be able to solve my problem since I could simply use a 16 bit timer and count the number of time the interrupt occurs.

Thank you guys for the help !

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