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While building target for lpc2148 encountered this error as 869 : Could not set locale "" to process multibyte characters. Due to this, not able to perform any experiments related to interfacing to ARM processor. While the same microvision version 4 does not generate any errors for non-interfacing programs.
Please help to rectify this error.

  • What files are you using? Could you perhaps zip them up, or place them on pastebin?

    Presumably these aren't files and projects you have created yourself, where did you take them from? Look for non-ASCII characters and hieroglyphs, and remove them. Look for --locale passed to the compiler.

  • What files are you using? Could you perhaps zip them up, or place them on pastebin?

    Presumably these aren't files and projects you have created yourself, where did you take them from? Look for non-ASCII characters and hieroglyphs, and remove them. Look for --locale passed to the compiler.

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