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bxCAN on STM32F407 with auto retransmission (NART bit disabled)


I use CAN module on my STM32 F103 / F412 / F407 boards.
I have NART bit set to 0 meaning Auto Retransmission if sending failed.

I have a test with STM32F407 2 boards connected via CAN. I have a passive CAN spy (not possible that the CAN spy ack a frame) to see what is going on the CAN bus.
I'm testing a fail transmission by NOT starting one of the 2 boards.
I see that the message is retransmitting on loop and Error callback on my 1st board is executed also on loop.

Then as expected, when I start my 2nd board, I see on CAN bus that the message is finally well transmitted but the Tx completion IT is not executed ! So I'm not aware that the transmission finally ends with success.

Is there an issue on the CAN module?
What is the expected behaviour of the CAN module?

Thank you