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Access Violation Error LPC1768 Simulation

I am using the Keil uVision 5 simulator for debugging my LPC1768 code..

When I run the simulator, I get the following error. I tried with simple LED blink program, I get the same error.

*** error 65: access violation at 0xFFFFFFF4 : no 'write' permission

I have seen quite a few threads already on this topic.

1. Some suggested to use a REMAP flag in cpu dll parameter box, I even tried that but no success.

2. Or to use an ini file to MAP address 0x40000000 to 0x400FFFFF as read write. (This is actually APB bus address according to the datasheet and it is already mapped correctly I checked in the debugger Memory Map.

So there is no success so far. Please help if anyone has come across this error.

Another thing, I found obvious about the error is the address at which it reports violation. In the datasheet this address (0xE0100000 - 0xFFFFFFFF) is marked as reserved and clearly mentioned that access to reserved memory may result bus faults. I fail to understand why would a simple LED code even try to access that region or Could it be the startup file??

One more thing, I tried was to create a new project and I was able to run the simulator with same program. But after two three times, it resorts to same issue. This is quite weird. May be not something obvious.


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