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RTX - Invalid number of concurrent running threads

I have just started with Keil and Cubemx with the stm32l0 so I'm finding my feet with the

I generated a flashing led project with cube and then added usb CDC for a quick test with
hyperterminal. I then tried to add RTX so that I could run the two in separate threads.

I have included rtx_cm_lib.h and cmsis_os.h in main.c along with my task creation code.
I have left the number of concurrent threads set to the default of 6.
When I try to compile I get the above error as if OS_TASKCNT is equal to zero.

If I look at RTX_Conf_CM.C I have #define OS_TASKCNT 6

Has anyone had this problem ?

When I compile, the error is thrown out when main.c is compiled which is near the start of
the build. RTX_Conf_CM.c is compiled near the end of the build.

How do I change the order of build ?