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How to define the interrupt function ( UART0 )

i whant define function "UART0_IRQHandler" in my library ( uart library )
but i dont whant use
#include <lpc17xx.h>

I tried this code but did not work
void (*test) (void) = (void (*) (void)) 0x54;

in file "LPC176x/5x User manual ( UM10360 )" and "Table 50" :

Interrupt_ID : 5
Exception_Number : 21
Vector_Offset : 0x54
Function : UART0
Flag(s) : Rx Line Status (RLS) Transmit Holding Register Empty (THRE) Rx Data Available (RDA) Character Time-out Indicator (CTI) End of Auto-Baud (ABEO) Auto-Baud Time-Out (ABTO)

  • In a Cortex-M3 device, the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC) and the processor core interface are closely coupled, which enables low latency interrupt processing
    The device handles interrupts. This coupling means that are rules that need to be followed in setting up the vector table, including the order in the table, and how to place the initial stack pointer.

    See more at:

    You can learn about the parts of a startup file here:

    As a warning, if you do not use the startup file that NXP provides, you will find it harder to get help from others for using non-standard code.

    If you want to write your own startup file, I suggest taking an online class about the Cortex-M architecture.

  • In a Cortex-M3 device, the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC) and the processor core interface are closely coupled, which enables low latency interrupt processing
    The device handles interrupts. This coupling means that are rules that need to be followed in setting up the vector table, including the order in the table, and how to place the initial stack pointer.

    See more at:

    You can learn about the parts of a startup file here:

    As a warning, if you do not use the startup file that NXP provides, you will find it harder to get help from others for using non-standard code.

    If you want to write your own startup file, I suggest taking an online class about the Cortex-M architecture.

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