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uVision compiling very slow when generating Browse Information

Is is just me, or is there a problem when compiling with the Output option to generate Browser Information?

If I compile without generating Browser Information, compile times are decent.

>>MDK-ARM Professional 5.22
>>Parallel build configuration enabled for 8 jobs.
>>Virus checker set to ignore all KEIL folders and executables.
>>Virus checker set to ignore all project folders.
>>Decently fast machine
>>I have read this page:

It's a large project, and waiting has become frustrating even for incremental builds.

I like to use browser information as it makes life easier when navigating code.
Eclipse does an amazing job of indexing the source files (outside of compile time) for this purpose.
I wish uVision would be the same.

Is there anything I can do speed things up?

  • It's the normal behavior.

    In the future, we have the plan to change the way Source Browser works but for the time being, either reduce the code size in your project or convert some part of code to libraries and link them, rather than compiling complete project at once.

  • It's the normal behavior.

    In the future, we have the plan to change the way Source Browser works but for the time being, either reduce the code size in your project or convert some part of code to libraries and link them, rather than compiling complete project at once.
