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Sd driver hang at enable wide bus check

I make file browser with st32f746 discovery
When some string functions (like strchr strcat) on file path or on some touch pointer
Sddriver stuck at driver initialize and after check I found it stuck at enable widebus 4b and if I cancelled that step in driver or changed to 1 b itworks
I'm sure it is not driver or card problem
It is some pointers or string functions

If any one face like that problem please help

  • Not sure why you write:
    "I'm sure it is not driver or card problem It is some pointers or string functions"

    There is not likely any problems with strchr(), strcat() etc. But you might have written code that has buffer-overrun problems, in which case you might corrupt other data. Then no one but you can help you, since the problem must be solved by reading through the code and verify all operations and all used data.

  • Not sure why you write:
    "I'm sure it is not driver or card problem It is some pointers or string functions"

    There is not likely any problems with strchr(), strcat() etc. But you might have written code that has buffer-overrun problems, in which case you might corrupt other data. Then no one but you can help you, since the problem must be solved by reading through the code and verify all operations and all used data.
