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Bulk transfer of Data from USB Host

Hi everyone,

I am using a FRDM-KL25Z for which I need to implement a host side driver for printer .

I have completed enumeration part of the printer. Now I want to send data to printers using bulk transfers. I am using the USB Library provided by freedom kit. How would i proceed on this?

  • About bulk endpoints
    A USB bulk endpoint can transfer large amounts of data. Bulk transfers are reliable that allow hardware error detection, and involves limited number of retries in the hardware. For transfers to bulk endpoints, bandwidth is not reserved on the bus. When there are multiple transfer requests that target different types of endpoints, the controller first schedules transfers for time critical data, such as isochronous and interrupt packets. Only if there is unused bandwidth available on the bus, the controller schedules bulk transfers. Where there is no other significant traffic on the bus, bulk transfer can be fast. However, when the bus is busy with other transfers, bulk data can wait indefinitely. I have some good work experience with a OOH ERP and my words are clearly based on what I felt through such processes in the past.

  • About bulk endpoints
    A USB bulk endpoint can transfer large amounts of data. Bulk transfers are reliable that allow hardware error detection, and involves limited number of retries in the hardware. For transfers to bulk endpoints, bandwidth is not reserved on the bus. When there are multiple transfer requests that target different types of endpoints, the controller first schedules transfers for time critical data, such as isochronous and interrupt packets. Only if there is unused bandwidth available on the bus, the controller schedules bulk transfers. Where there is no other significant traffic on the bus, bulk transfer can be fast. However, when the bus is busy with other transfers, bulk data can wait indefinitely. I have some good work experience with a OOH ERP and my words are clearly based on what I felt through such processes in the past.
