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Difference between CMSIS-RTOS-v1 and RTX?


I am a begineer, and I would like to understand what are the differences between CMSIS-RTOS-v1, and RTX?

Is RTX a product of Keil?

Thank you

  • CMSIS-RTOS-v1 is the name of a RTOS standard. It defines APIs and specifications etc. Keil RTX v4.x is an implementation of the standard CMSIS-RTOS-v1 with source code and libraries for users to work with in their projects.

    Since CMSIS-RTOS-v1 and CMSIS-RTOS-v2 are open source projects, users or third parties can implement their own RTX based on these two RTOS API standards.

  • CMSIS-RTOS-v1 is the name of a RTOS standard. It defines APIs and specifications etc. Keil RTX v4.x is an implementation of the standard CMSIS-RTOS-v1 with source code and libraries for users to work with in their projects.

    Since CMSIS-RTOS-v1 and CMSIS-RTOS-v2 are open source projects, users or third parties can implement their own RTX based on these two RTOS API standards.

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