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Hello there! I'm using STM32F407VGTx and Keil U5. Everything went well but when I run the simple code of blinking led on board it doesn't blink at all and the screen says zero errors. Anyone knows how to solve it?

  • Having no syntax errors is not a guarantee of functional code.

    You're going to have to review what you're doing, making sure the correct clocks are enabled, and you've configured the pins properly.

    Use a debugger, single step the code, confirm peripheral registers contain appropriate values. Review the reference manual, surely this contains much detail related to the part.

  • Having no syntax errors is not a guarantee of functional code.

    You're going to have to review what you're doing, making sure the correct clocks are enabled, and you've configured the pins properly.

    Use a debugger, single step the code, confirm peripheral registers contain appropriate values. Review the reference manual, surely this contains much detail related to the part.
