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Hello there! I'm using STM32F407VGTx and Keil U5. Everything went well but when I run the simple code of blinking led on board it doesn't blink at all and the screen says zero errors. Anyone knows how to solve it?

  • There are many steps involved in booting up a Cortex-M4 microcontroller.

    Try this lab, and see if you can get this example to work on your board.


    There are CMSIS-PACK examples for the STM32F407VGTx

    Open the Pack installer, C:\Keil_v5\uv4\PackInstaller.exe

    - On the top left of the window, for "Search", type "STM32F407VGT" - the list below gets filtered.
    - Select the device (entry with a green icon) from the list below – on the right side of the dialog updates with Software Packs relevant to this device
    - For "Packs", install the Keil:STM32f4xx_DFP pack (if necessary)
    - On the top right of the screen, select the yellow "Examples" tab.
    - On the "CMSIS-RTOS Blinky (STM32F4-Discovery)" row, click the "copy" button - a dialog pops up.
    - Pick a directory, click both the check boxes, and press OK - a new Keil µVision session opens with the example.
    - Build the project, Connect a USB cable to the board and start the debugger


    See also
    - the Getting Started guide at
    - Learning page
    - Creating applications at

  • There are many steps involved in booting up a Cortex-M4 microcontroller.

    Try this lab, and see if you can get this example to work on your board.


    There are CMSIS-PACK examples for the STM32F407VGTx

    Open the Pack installer, C:\Keil_v5\uv4\PackInstaller.exe

    - On the top left of the window, for "Search", type "STM32F407VGT" - the list below gets filtered.
    - Select the device (entry with a green icon) from the list below – on the right side of the dialog updates with Software Packs relevant to this device
    - For "Packs", install the Keil:STM32f4xx_DFP pack (if necessary)
    - On the top right of the screen, select the yellow "Examples" tab.
    - On the "CMSIS-RTOS Blinky (STM32F4-Discovery)" row, click the "copy" button - a dialog pops up.
    - Pick a directory, click both the check boxes, and press OK - a new Keil µVision session opens with the example.
    - Build the project, Connect a USB cable to the board and start the debugger


    See also
    - the Getting Started guide at
    - Learning page
    - Creating applications at
