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How to interface STM32F429IGT with an external SDRAM?


For days, I have been trying to write my variables into the SDRAM mounted on the STM32F429 discovery board, but unfortunately no success came out of that. I am currently using STM32CubeMX to generate the initialization code for FMC.
For writing to the SDRAM, I used the stm32f4xx_hal_sdram driver, but unfortunately using the write function “HAL_SDRAM_Write_8b(…)” writes the variables in the internal RAM; no matter what is the address given to the argument of this function.
I also tried to define the external SDRAM (with the start address 0xD0000000 and length of 0x800000) in the "Options for targets" under the target tab. Every time that the checkbox related to RAM1 is ticked in the "Read/Write Memory Areas" section in the "Options for targets", my microcontroller does not run the code!!! Even a single LED can't be turned on or off.
Does it have something to do with Keil?! Do I need to configure something else in Keil? Or does something need to be changed in the scatter file?

I would be grateful if you could help me with this.
Thanks in advanced,

  • Hey guys,
    I forgot to edit the message title :(
    The question is in fact How to declare variables into the SDRAM mounted on STM32F429i discovery board? . This discovery kit features a STM32F429ZIT6 MCU and a 64-Mbit SDRAM (part no. IS4xS16400J).

    Thanks again,

  • Hey guys,
    I forgot to edit the message title :(
    The question is in fact How to declare variables into the SDRAM mounted on STM32F429i discovery board? . This discovery kit features a STM32F429ZIT6 MCU and a 64-Mbit SDRAM (part no. IS4xS16400J).

    Thanks again,
