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Using UART between pc and NUCLEOL0R8


I tried to use UART_TwoBoards_ComPolling example in stm32Cube. I know that this example is for communicating between two controller but i connected one controller's Tx and Rx pins to the ftdi chip that connected to pc with usb to observe what controller is sending. However,when i press the user botton on the board, pc seems like doesnt receive anything, tx and rx leds on ftdi also dont light up.


  • hi
    i think i found out where i was wrong.When i take a look carefully The readme.tx file again,it tells that Tx pin is PA9 and Rx is PA10 but on the stm32l0r8 board rx and tx pins are labelled to PA2 and PA3.I didnt understand why is this contradiction. Does anybody know?

  • hi
    i think i found out where i was wrong.When i take a look carefully The readme.tx file again,it tells that Tx pin is PA9 and Rx is PA10 but on the stm32l0r8 board rx and tx pins are labelled to PA2 and PA3.I didnt understand why is this contradiction. Does anybody know?
