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BUG? Executing RESET Command through Source Code in uVision Debug Mode


I'm using MDK 5.24a with µVision V5.24.2.0 and I have a really confusing behaviour.

When I'm in Debug Mode and stopped in a Breakpoint, I step into an other function. This function has several Defines including RESET. This is a Define and I can see it in the header file when I'm not in Debug Mode. When I do a right click on it to get some information, the Debugger just resets the target, like I send a command over the built-in console, but I don't type any command!.

Target: STM32F4

Just FYI...

Kind regards

  • This is a bug - RESET should not reset the target
    in this context.
    Will be fixed with the next MDK-Version - the
    core-debug-drivers SarmCM3.dll and SarmV8M.dll
    will include the fix.

  • This is a bug - RESET should not reset the target
    in this context.
    Will be fixed with the next MDK-Version - the
    core-debug-drivers SarmCM3.dll and SarmV8M.dll
    will include the fix.

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