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Reordering Intel hex file lines by address

I wrote software (for PC and my target micro) to download Intel hex format files.
It turns out it's much more efficient of the file is sorted by address. Is there
a linker command/directive that forces the lines of the output file to be sorted by
address ?


I think I've seen that the Extended Linker does that ... but would still be interested in
a linker directive if it turns out there is some incentive to use the regular linker.

Thank you

  • The .HEX is designed to allow for sparse and out-of-order output, it significantly simplifies the linker's task and reduces the memory footprint. As such having an option to make your task easier complicates everyone elses task. Either have your tool perform the sorting step as part of loading the file, or use the a binary or object format.

  • The .HEX is designed to allow for sparse and out-of-order output, it significantly simplifies the linker's task and reduces the memory footprint. As such having an option to make your task easier complicates everyone elses task. Either have your tool perform the sorting step as part of loading the file, or use the a binary or object format.
