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it takes two to tango but MISRA and Keil do not

it takes two to tango but MISRA and Keil do not make good partners.

I have the following
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
the above to avoid depending on the compiler re (un)signed
typedef char mchar_t; // auxilary for MISRA and strcpy

Ok strcpy (xxx.....
gives no error if
char xxx....
mchar_t xxx.....
but gives rerror for both
int8_t xxx...
uint8_t xxx..

  • Nothing to do with either Keil or MISRA, actually.

    Passing either signed or unsigned char to a function working on plain char is wrong. At the very least, you have to apply a cast. And you may well have to instrument that cast (e.t. with a /*lint ... */ comment) to get it past a MISRA checker.

  • Nothing to do with either Keil or MISRA, actually.

    Passing either signed or unsigned char to a function working on plain char is wrong. At the very least, you have to apply a cast. And you may well have to instrument that cast (e.t. with a /*lint ... */ comment) to get it past a MISRA checker.
