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dynamica allocation in keil with c++

1). how to solve the problem of auto segment to large.?

2)how to dynamically allocate memory in keil? malloc etc. functions are concerned with c. but can we use 'new' operator in keil when programing using C++.
is there any other method with c++ in keil to dynammically allocate memory?

  • Obviously: use less auto data!

    Remember that Dynamic Allocation does not magically create more RAM!
    To use dynamic allocation, you will have to reserve space for the Heap - which means that less space is available for other things.

    And dynamic allocation adds its own overheads - so you will actually end up with less available RAM!

  • Obviously: use less auto data!

    Remember that Dynamic Allocation does not magically create more RAM!
    To use dynamic allocation, you will have to reserve space for the Heap - which means that less space is available for other things.

    And dynamic allocation adds its own overheads - so you will actually end up with less available RAM!
